Embrace the Moment

Embrace the Moment

I’ll never forget the day I was out shopping, and my cell phone rang. My mother was on the other end, and I knew by the sound of her voice she had bad news. All I heard was, “He may not make it.” And unfortunately, he didn’t.

As family and friends gathered for the funeral, I was so happy to see cousins of mine whom I had not seen in a while. Despite the fact that two of them had just started brand new jobs, they interrupted their lives, jumped on a plane, and came hundreds of miles to be there just for us. As I finally got a chance to briefly talk to them, I asked, “When do you have to leave?” “In thirty minutes.” “You’ve got to be kidding!” But no, it was true. With that short amount of time, I wanted to spend every second I had with them, look them straight in the eyes, talk with them, and find out how life was going. In every way possible, I wanted to embrace the moment.

It had been a long time since I felt such a strong desire to stop the clock. How quickly people come in and out of our lives. How short life can be. And whether you’re married or single, there is still heartache and disappointment. Loved ones will come and go, and as much as most of us don’t want to admit it, we’re all getting older and will someday die. There’s something about funerals that slow us down, that cause us to stop and examine our lives. How are you living?

If you keep doing what you’re doing today, where will you be in a year, two, or ten years from now? If you’re single, there’s a tendency to put life on hold waiting for that day you finally walk the aisle, when that ring goes on your finger, when you say, “I do.” Then, you think, life will now truly begin.

Your desire to marry is very natural and normal. In many ways I believe God made us this way. But what are you doing today? Embrace every moment you have—now.

Life is full of wonderful and terrific opportunities beyond your wildest dreams. Don’t stop dreaming. Don’t stop seeking God for His divine appointments. Live life with moments that take your breath away. Don’t live your life “on hold.”

Stop and enjoy a beautiful sunset, the ocean, the mountains, the moon, the stars, a rainbow. Embrace the Creator of the Universe. Embrace the beauty of His creation, His magnitude, His greatness, His love. Embrace life, knowing God has a plan even when you don’t always understand it or see it. Embrace His Word when life doesn’t make sense.

God says He has a plan, a plan to prosper you and not to harm you, a plan to give you a hope and a future. Call upon Him and pray. Seek Him with all your heart (Jeremiah 29:11-13). Don’t lose heart! Keep believing God no matter what disappointments come your way.

May God fill you with His great joy! Embrace the moment!

“You will make known to me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; In Your right hand there are pleasures forever.” (Psalm 16:11)

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author kathleen hardaway

Kathleen Hardaway

Kathleen Hardaway is an inspirational speaker with a passion to encourage and equip people to live out their God-given dreams.